Friday, November 13, 2009

Running from bear!

In this specific picture, thanks to Imageblender, i have created ME in a situation where i am running from a BEAR!

With the layering feature, I created me into this picture along with some other animals such as a bird on a log, and a snake in the background.

The hardest oart of creating this was ERASING! there was a bunch of little specifications that you had to get with the eraser. With the eraser, you have to erase most of the background so only you can show up in the picture.

The thing i most like is taking the picture and and inserting yourself into the picture. This process was very fun and i had A LOT of fun with creating this image. ImageBlender is very cool program and i plan to try to use it whenever i can in the future.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I created this image "Blend" on a program called ImageBlednder. I used Many, many effects such as copy and paste, ERASER, and the magic wand special effect!

Friday, November 6, 2009

New York City SkyLine

Thanks to ImageBlender...I got to create an image that uses many layers and effects to make the sky look amazing! Mostly I used the Magic wand picture to remove most of the skyline, then I was able to layer it with a different skyline. Text showed the title of the Picture, with many cool effects that were added to that as well.


I created this image using Image Blender with beignable ot use features such as crop and creating boxes to put a title on the picture. I used a bunch of layering tools, also tools such as eyedroper to change the coloring to what you want.

Joshua Tree

I created this using ImageBlender! I used oil paint effects and Cool Edge effects. In the Artistic and Ditort effect columns

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Thanks to Twist and Frames... I made this video about a one person "ship" that enters the Bermuda traingle right when a storm hits. The ship almost sinks but he boards it up quickly! After all of that trouble... The ship is HIT by an iceburg coming! To be continued...

I chose this because i recently traveled to the Bahamas and i thought about the Myserious BERMUDA TRIANGLE. I thought it would be a great topic to write about and i had many ideas for this movie.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Animal Scene

This is a picture i created on Twist. This is a picture of a crab on the beach with other beach possibilities. In the background, there is a wave and a shark attacking a swimmer! In the sky there is a SunShower and slight clouds. I drew this picture because I had already thought up many ideas for a scene like this. Twist is a great program! With Twist, you can go many steps forward from Microsoft paint. In this picture I used shadow effects, many shaping effects, and a bunch of color fills and different Gradient effects.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Twist 1

This is a great picture i created in Twist.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ocean sunset scene

I used Twist to make the Picture! The shadow feature was my favorite becasue it made the image look more realistic. Twist is the "better" program than paint becasue you can explore and do many, many more things with the image you create.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The 50 Cent Piece is rarely used, but mostly used in Casino's. Half Dollars had been made since the 1790's and John F. Kennedy is on the coin (Designed by Gilroy Roberts). here are some facts about this coin:
Mass:11.340 g. 30.61 mm (1.205 in)
Thickness: 2.15 mm (0.085 in)
Edge:150 reeds
Composition:91.67% Cu 8.33% Ni

The Solar System

Click on the link to view my presentation. presentaion.

Friday, March 20, 2009


This is a picture that I have engendered on Microsoft paint.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


This is a picture of my name I created on Microsoft paint.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


This is a picture of a pizza that I created on Microsoft Paint.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This is a picture of a clown fish I created on Microsoft Paint.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cartoon 2

This is another Cartoon I created on Microsoft paint.


This cartoon I created on Microsoft Paint.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Hello bloggers of google.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hello world!

Hello, this is my blog, and this is for a computer class.




